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Linda Brooks-Jones

Two Weeks From Tonight - A Tribute to King Pleasure Jazz Concert

This event will be outstanding in entertainment, food, beverage, unique rural setting and great music. AND THE PROCEEDS WILL GO TO FURTHER THE GOAL OF INCREASED TOURISM FOR MORGAN COUNTY AND OUR AREA.

The music will be a progression of jazz music through it's many era's. There will be dancers swinging to some of the songs and the audience will be invited to join the fun.

Bill Landry has produced a video in tribute to Clarence Beeks know as King Pleasure. Those who like jazz know of his importance in introducing vocalize to jazz music. It will be debuted at the concert.

His daughter will be in attendance as we show our recognition to her father's influence to music and his birth in our own Oakdale, TN, Morgan County.

Please consider being a part of this event by attending.

We promise it will be an evening worth your time and your contribution to our effort. Invite your friends and make it a party.

For tickets and info:

Beautiful scenery with horse pastures and two lakes.

This beautiful barn had beautiful wood floors, perfect for dancing to the Jazz music. A short video will be shown on the screen and the Jazz musicians will perform to for your pleasure!

Seating capacity is 200+ with comfortable seats!

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