Press Release:
The Morgan County Tourism Alliance is observing National Tourism Week and are inviting you to celebrate with us in sharing pictures and comments from tourists who have visited your establishment. The pictures, comments and your contact information will be featured in a full page spread in the Morgan County News during Tourism Week. If you don't have a photo or comments from visitors, please send in a photo of your business and why tourists visit our area and you. The cost per featured business is $20.00 payable to the Morgan County News.
We hope to fill up the page and require another page showing our support for tourism as an economic commodity for Morgan County business.
Name of Business:
Contact Information and Logo if wanted:
Picture of Tourist if possible, at your business:
Name of Tourist:
Where Does the Tourist Live?
Why did they to come to Morgan County and what have they liked about our county?
Send picture and information to Brenda Duke. She will send to newspaper.
Make payment to Morgan County News.
Limit one picture per business unless there is extra space.
Pictures and Information must be received by April 30, 2021.
We are excited to promote tourism in Morgan County and sincerely hope you will choose to be a part of this tourism recognition and promotion.
Brenda Duke and Linda Brooks Jones, coordinators of the project
Linda: 423.628.5252
Brenda: 423.223.9958